Sunday, October 28, 2012

Trying New Things: Days 23-28

Tuesday, October 23rd

Honestly, guys... I can't remember what my new thing was today.  I really have no idea at all.  I worked late, so I came home late, and we had leftover pizza for dinner...I pinned minky to a quilt top, but did no sewing.  

Wow... I can't remember at all.  It seems so long ago...

Update:  I remembered what it was!  I tried that tip that says you should only check your email 3 times a day, and close out of it so the notifications don't pop up.  Totally successful!  I love it.  I am going to work on trying that on days when I can (sometimes I am waiting on emails to finish what I need to do).  I HIGHLY  recommend this one.

Wednesday, October 24th

Today was a little different because I was on the road, so I got home from work pretty early.  I took the extra time to use the chicken I had roasted on Monday and make Chicken Pot Pie with Cream Cheese and Chive Biscuits, by Joy the Baker.

photo by Joy the Baker
It was a labor of love for my hubby.  Joy explains in her post that "he'd fall flat on the floor and want to marry you all over again."  Worth a try.  Tim didn't fall on the floor, and I didn't ask if he'd want to marry me all over again.

Don't ask a question you don't want the answer to.

Anyway, the hard work paid off, and it was delicious,ad Tim really like it, too.  You should make it.  Yum!

Thursday,  October 25th

Today's new thing was a Kirby vacuum cleaner demonstration.  While the presentation was compelling, we didn't buy the vacuum cleaner.  The salesman kept mentioning a trip that he could win if he sold enough Kirbys, and I really wanted to tell him that if I had enough money to buy a Kirby, I would instead use that money to go on a vacation myself.  But I didn't.  I'd been snarky enough that day, and I was still recovering from the surgical removal of my foot from my mouth.  

It is impressive (and embarassing) how much dirt they pull out of your carpet (especially since they go over it first with your vacuum).

This is what they pulled out with the Kirby (please don't judge me!) .  The white ones are from normal vacuuming, and the black pads show the exorbiant amounts of baking soda he dumped on the carpet and then took forever to vacuum out.

After they left, Tim went over our carpet with our vacuum again.  And this is what he got.  After they had gone over it with the Kirby 50 bagillion times.  I think the bottom line is that we just have really dirty carpet and need to vacuum more!

Friday, October 26th

The intention was to try some tips from Mindy on getting beachy waves that last.  Unfortunately, I didn't follow all of the directions very closely, so things didn't really work out.  But my hair did get big.  Sorry I didn't take a picture, but Tim and I were heading to the Big City for the weekend to celebrate our anniversary.

For those interested in trying, here are Mindy's tips.  (Maybe sometime she can make a video for us.  Maybe it can be a series..."Looking Good with Mindy" ...or maybe some better title.  I am open to suggestions.  And I need to get her to agree to this first.)

  • finger comb your hair when you get out of the shower
  • towel-dry your hair by "scrunching" it with the towel, not wringing or pulling it with the towel
  • apply hair gel
  • flip your head upside-down to blow-dry the bottom hair
  • blow-dry your hair by scrunching it with your hand (don't use the is too awkward and won't get close enough to your roots)
  • when your hair is half-way dry, spray it with hairspray
  • finish drying using the scrunching method
  • apply hairspray to finish

You hair will be huge when you are done, but don't worry... it will settle down eventually.
I think that's everything she said.  Mindy-- chime in if I missed something!

Saturday, October 27th

Today was our 5 year (5 years!!!!) anniversary, and we had a great time celebrating.  I tried a lot of new things today, but the one I will share with you is: risotto.  Yum!  I need to learn how to make this!

Sunday, October 28th

Anthony was a dear and house-sat and dog-sat while we were gone this weekend.  He also made us pie!

See the "5th" he put in the top?
Major yum!  I've never had an anniversary pie before!  So chalk that up as something new!

It's hard to believe I only have 3 more days of new things left!  What should I fill them with?

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