Monday, October 1, 2012

Trying New Things Day 1: Making Bagels

I've been wanting to make bagels for quite awhile, so I thought Try New Things Month was a great time to give it a whirl.

Egg bagels have always been my favorite, so I asked The Google for a recipe.  This one sounded the simplest, so that's the one I went with.

The verdict?  I don't know yet... I haven't tasted them :)

I was trying to do approximately 10,000 things today, so I was sort of rushing through this process.  If I had taken my time, I think they would have turned out "prettier."  Oh well, maybe next time.

A few notes:

  • When twirling it around your finger, make sure there is plenty of flour on your finger.  Also, for more symmetrical bagels, if you twirl it a little bit, then flip it over and twirl it again, you might get a more even distribution of dough.
  • When you lay the formed bagels out to rise, make sure your surface is well-greased.  Mine was lined with parchment paper, but they stuck to that when I lifted them to boil them, which deformed them quite a bit.
  • Also, using a chopstick or perhaps a bamboo skewer to twirl them and then later to lift them into and out of the boiling water might be an interesting thing to try.
So there you have it... my New Thing for the day.  Have you ever made bagels?  Did you try anything new today?  Is anyone playing along with me in this little game?  Is anybody out there?  Hello?

1 comment:

  1. My hat is off to you. I made them once and concluded that I'd rather just buy them from Costco or Einstein's for the amount of work it was for me. My result was okay, but nothing to write home about. Good for you taking up a challenge to step out of your comfort zone!
