Sunday, September 30, 2012

One Month of Trying New Things

Hold on to your hats, kids!  Things are about to get crazy around here.

I am going to spend one month trying new things.

Yes, you read that right.  I, Stephanie Taylor, am voluntarily going to try new things.

My latest issue (October 2012) of Fitness magazine had a little blurb (with a very inspiring picture of a couple cliff jumping, I might add) about being daring.  It said

Stepping outside your comfort zone may help you slim down, according to researcher in the United Kingdom.  Study participants who did something different every day for a month lost, on average, a pound a week without making any dietary changes.  "Breaking your routine target habits, possibly the unhealthy ones that keep you overweight," study author Ben Fletcher, Ph.D., says.  So do something to bust your rut today: It can be as tame as trying a new class at the gym or as wild as cliff jumping!

Officially.  Inspired.  If I happen to lose 4 pounds this month, great.  If not, at least I will have tried 31 new things!

So here we go.  Each day in October I am going to try something new.  I'm busting up my routine, breaking out of my rituals.  Well... at least a little.  Don't expect any cliff diving or bungee jumping... we're on a budget afterall.  But I do have lots of ideas!  New workouts, new recipes, fashion tips, strategies for working more efficiently and blogging better.

It's going to be great.  Assuming I don't melt down from the lack of structure and predictability.

So who wants to join me?!  Consider yourself officially challenged.  If routine-loving, shy, cautious, borderline OCD Stephanie can do it, you definitely can!

To motivate us all to be more adventurous, I will share this video of my friend, Autumn, who got double-blobbed at family retreat a few weeks ago (blobbing actually happens around 1:50).  The four engineers that were present figured she flew about 26 feet in the air.

I used to live vicariously through her.  Not anymore!  Now I will do these crazy things myself.  

Who's with me?

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