Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ouch: A Weight-Loss Update

I know that many of you were probably waiting for me to tell you how my weigh-in went last week, but I didn't want to tell you.

I gained weight.  3 pounds to be exact.  The same 3 pounds I lost the week before.  Boo.

I don't know what happened.  I have been eating healthier (despite the ice cream) and sticking to my workouts.  It is very frustrating-- why do I even bother?  I wanted to give up, but I knew I had to stick with it.  It's just 20 minutes a day for 30 days, after all.  

My friend, Leah read a Fitness magazine to me (seriously... the whole magazine) on the way home from our road trip to Ohio (11 hours in a car is a LONG TIME).  One little tidbit that she read stuck out to me. I don't have the magazine here to quote it directly, and I can't find it on their site, but it was titled "Fit vs Fat" or something like that.  It said that maybe overweight women shouldn't worry about that last 10 pounds.  A recent study showed that women of all ages who had a BMI of 25-29 (the "Overweight" bracket that I fall into) had a decreased chance of major health problems in the next 12 years.  This could mean that having some extra fat helps protect you as you age.


"Overweight" is bad because its unhealthy, right?
But overweight women may be healthier...hmmm.

Anyway, I think I DO need to stop worrying about that last 10 pounds, and just focus on living a healthy lifestyle- getting good exercise regularly and eating well.

In other news, I still plan to do the Shred 30 times in 30 days, but I am changing it up a little bit.  There is so much intense strength training involved, that doing it everyday doesn't give my muscles a chance to recover and rebuild.  I have had trouble sleeping at night and wake up with cramps in my shoulders and arms.  I have decided that for Level 3 of the Shred, I will do the workout TWICE one day, then walk or run the next day.  I kind of took Monday and Tuesday off, because I was just getting back from my road trip, and Tuesday I had other stuff going on and ended up with a very stuffy nose and sore throat due to allergies.  I did the Level 3 workout for the first time last night and I did, indeed, do it twice.  It almost killed me, but I did it.  I am a little sore today.  Tonight I am also going to do it twice, to get caught up, then tomorrow I am going to run...ok, probably walk.

Day 30 is next week, so hopefully I can report some good changes in my overall health by then.  Stay tuned.

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