Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Homemade Yogurt

I've never been much of a yogurt lover.  I have gone through phases were I enjoy it more than other times (like my senior year of high school where every day I would pack a strawberry Yoplait custard-style yogurt in my lunch, and  every day when I would scoop out the first spoonful perform the ritual turn-the-spoon-upside-down-and-say-to-my-lunch-buddies, "look! it sticks to the spoon!-- and then they would all react with obligatory awe and amazement), but I've never actually been crazy about it.

However, this summer when Kelly and I were driving to the Lands End Warehouse Clearance Event and she told me that a recent study had shown that eating yogurt boosts metabolism.  My interest in yogurt increased to the point that I brought it up in a discussion with Mindy.  Mindy said her favorite kind was vanilla.  Vanilla.  What a concept!  Why had I never tried vanilla yogurt before?  If you could describe me in two words, they would have to be "plain vanilla."  Or maybe "obnoxiously sassy."  But let's continue with the "plain vanilla" option for the sake of staying on track.

I tried vanilla yogurt.

Life.  Changing.

I told Mindy I tried vanilla yogurt.  She said sometime I should treat myself and get Activia vanilla yogurt. 

I did.

Out of this world.

But who can afford to buy Activia on a regular basis?  Probably a lot of people.  And probably me, actually.  But-- as I am wont to do when I discover a new food I love-- I wanted to be able to make it myself.  And Rachel inspired me (thanks Rachel)!

I used this recipe, but cut the sugar and omitted the powdered milk.  The first time it didn't turn out.  The second time was much better.  The third time...just about perfect!!!

It's really not hard to do at all.  

Here is a cost and (unoffical) calorie analysis.

Cost Calories
Half Gallon 2% Milk  $1.29 1040
Half Cup Sugar  $0.15 387
1 Cup Plain Yogurt  $0.59 180
Total  $2.03 1607
Per 1/2 Cup Serving  $0.21 169

As you can see, it cost slightly less than buying it in a cup.  The cup was full price (I usually buy it on sale or in bulk), and it is more calories because of the added sugar.  But if I made plain yogurt and just drizzled honey when I ate it, I could save some more pennies and calories.  Same thing with using skim milk.  I will have to play around with it and let you know how it turns out.

Also worth noting-- I have not done a side-by-side comparison to see how the homemade stacks up against Activia, but my gut tells me (no pun intended...and don't take that to literally) that the Activia is better.  But I'm ok with that.

Additionally, a little money-saving tip for the locals about milk.  Buying the half-gallon bags at Kwik-Star is almost ALWAYS cheaper than buying gallon or half gallon jugs anywhere else.  Currently it is $1.14 for skim and $1.29 for 2%.  And, you get a punch card and every bag of milk (or orange juice) you buy, you get a punch. When you get to 20 punches, it is a dollar off a bag.  In addition, if you purchase fuel and milk at the same time (you will have to pay for them together, so don't pay at the pump) you get a discount on your fuel.  We got through about a half gallon of milk a week, and fill up about once a week, too.  My gas discount ends up being about $.50 per tank.  I know that these things are all a matter of pennies, but they do add up.  Just a tip!

121) Thank you, Kelly, for telling me that yogurt boosts metabolism.
122) Thank you, Mindy, for the life-changing tip about vanilla yogurt
123) Thank you, Activia, for making delicious vanilla yogurt
124) Thank you, Rachel, for inspiring me to try something new and make yogurt
125) Thank you, Kwik Star, for great discounts and friendly service.

Disclaimer: This is not a paid advertisement for Yoplait, Activia, or Kwik Star.  I just call it like I see it.  Also, I am not a nutritionist or expert of any kind (neither is Kelly) and have no idea about substantiation of claims that yogurt boost metabolism.  


  1. awesome!!! i've wanted to make my own yogurt for a long time, but was unsure if it would taste alright. Thanks for sharing! can't wait to try it!!!

  2. Way to go! I'll have to try this recipe. I gave it up because my results were always hit or miss, but I've been wanting to get back at it. We go through so much yogurt here, even with limiting servings.
