Monday, January 30, 2012

Overcompensate Much?

Last week Tim got sick for the fourth time this season.  Overall, I have remained rather healthy.

However, even the most well-developed immune systems have their susceptibilities, and I have been blowing my nose for the last 48 hours.  When we left the house for small group tonight, we were down to one box of kleenex.

The purchase of paper products is one of those chores we tend to procrastination in tending to, because we are always looking for that elusive "good deal," but we are also very brand-loyal in our paper products.  (Yes, we are Those People who don't buy toilet paper until they put the Last Roll on the dispenser.)  Furthermore, we still can't seem to keep track of what a "good deal" is on these items.

In case you are curious, our preferences are:

  • Charmin Ultra-Strong (it comes in the red packaging)
  • Bounty Paper Towels (NOT select-a-size)
  • Puffs Plus Lotion
  • Bounty napkins (I really, really prefer them because they are so durable, but I usually settle for lesser brands)

We already had plans to be brave and head over to The Walmarts after small group, so we got tissues while we were there.

Apparently we felt that their "everyday low price" was a good deal, because we bought 2 six-packs.  As I have mentioned before, I hate grocery shopping.  And I really, really don't like going to The Walmarts.  Parking is difficult, the store is big, and there are never enough registers open.  So I figured that buying twelve boxes of kleenex would save me another trip, and I am ALL for limiting trips to The Walmarts.

When we got home I looked at the receipt and realized we had just spent $20 on tissues.

Maybe this is not such a great deal...

1 comment:

  1. Haha! All of those paper product preferences are EXACTLY what I buy! I get teased about the lotion tissues but I can't buy anything else!
