Saturday, August 6, 2011

Raspberry Fortnight: Raspberry Sauce

Well kids, here it is.  The grand finale!  Of the three recipes I brought into work (individual raspberry cobblers by PW, raspberry buckle by BHG, and this one), my coworkers said this was their favorite. 

Once again, this one is from the trusty Better Homes and Gardens cookbook.  They make it too complicate and fancy, so I dumbed it down a little bit for a little more "rustic" feel.  Because I'm lazy :)  And, let's be honest, who wants to wash more dishes? 

Here's the recipe, with my "rustic modifications."


  • 3 cups fresh or frozen slightly sweetened raspberries
  • 1/3 c sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch

Thaw berries, if frozen.  Do not drain.  Place half of the berries in a food processor or blender.  Cover and process or blend until berries are smooth. 
(I skipped this step and did no processing of berries.)

Press berries through a fine-mesh sieve; discard seeds
(I also skipped this step.)

Repeat with remaining berries.  You should have about 1 1/4 cups sieved puree. 
(Since I didn't process my berries and had reserved 3 cups, forgetting about this step, I basically made a double batch.  If you want a single batch and don't want to process the berries, just start with 1 1/2 ish cups of berries).

In a small saucepan stir together sugar and cornstarch.  Add raspberry puree.  Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened and bubbly.  Cook and stir for 2 minutes more.  Transfer to a bowl.  Cover and chill for at least 1 hour.  Serve over angel food cake, cheesecake, or ice cream.

You can also make this with strawberries, cutting the sugar to 1/4 c and not worrying about removing the seeds.  

I made cheesecake to put this on when I brought it into work.  I also put it on my oatmeal (of course), and ice cream.

So that's it for Raspberry Fortnight.  It's been a lot of fun, but QED- we is done! (Ok, I know that's not what QED really means, but that's what it boiled down to for me as a math student. It technically means something like "that was to be demonstrated."  That also applies, so I'm sticking with it.)

I am thinking I should do more theme weeks (or fortnights) in the future.  Apple?  Pumpkin? Any other ideas?  Throw them out there, and we will see what I come up with!

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