Thursday, July 28, 2011

Raspberry Week: Individual Raspberry Cobblers

I was looking through PW's recipes to find ways to use my raspberries, and I came across this cute-looking and delicious-sounding recipe.  I thought they would transport well to work, so I whipped up a batch.

She uses fresh raspberries, and I didn't want mine to be too juicy, so before I started mixing them up, I started straining the berries :)

 The recipe calls for self-rising flour, and I don't stock that in my pantry, so I found this cheat online.  I was only making half a batch, so I only needed one cup of the self-rising flour.

I measured out 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder ...

...and put it in the bottom of my cup measure.

Then a quarter of a teaspoon of salt.

*Plop.*  Ok, more like *swish.*


Then topped it off with flour.

Once I mixed it with the milk, butter and vanilla, it got nice and bubbly, so I guessed my trick worked.


So now that the berries are strained, and the batter is in the cups...


 I just took little spoonfuls of raspberries and plopped them on top.



And here is where the Stephanie moment kicks in.  I put the pan in the oven, turn around to look at the recipe to see how long they bake, and catch a glimpse of a word.  "Sugar."  Sugar.  Yes, sugar indeed.  Remember when I said I mixed the flour with the milk, butter, and vanilla?  Did you notice how I didn't say "sugar?"  Well, I was just being honest... I didn't mix it with the sugar then.  Because I forgot to put the sugar in.

I yanked the pan back out of the oven, measured out the sugar, and put it into the cups by the spooful, and tried to stir it in.  I think this stirring:
     a. didn't get it mixed in very well, because most of the sugar sunk to the bottom and stuck to the pan
     b. contributed to yet another "that's not what it looked like in the picture" moment when I pulled them out of the oven. PW's were puffier.

Don't be like me.  Put the sugar in when you're supposed to.

They were tasty, thought!  Try them if you have raspberries.

Here's the printable recipe.

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