Wednesday, June 22, 2011

photo challenge day 8: a bad habit

How does one take a picture of a bad habit?  It can be a hard thing to capture, because a habit is usually not something concrete, its something you do.  But I supposed that's where creativity is supposed to come in.

This is me, trying to be creative.

I have a bad habit of getting to bed late.

I really don't know how it happens.  I get busy doing things and then before I know it, time has disappeared and I am crawling into bed at 11:15.  By the time I put on chapstick, blow my nose, take a drink of water, reapply chapstick because I just left it all on my water glass, get up and go to the bathroom one more time, it's...

I turn out the light, toss and turn to get comfortable, talk to Tim about my day, and am rolling over one last time before I fall asleep, and the clock always, ALWAYS says

I look at the clock at 12 almost every night.  Its when Tim rolls over so I roll over. Sometimes I may have already been asleep, but I never really know.

Then I hear my alarm

Yes, that would mean six hours of sleep.  I know that that is enough for some people.  I am not one of those people.  Not that I require 8 hours of sleep.  I actually think if I got 7 hours of sleep every single night, I would be fine.  But I don't.  It's 6 am.  That's six hours.  I want seven.  This is where my other bad habit comes in.

I hit the snooze in order to compromise between 6 and 7.  I finally convince myself that I must get out of bed.

To be sure I get to work by 8, I really need to leave myself about 40 minutes to drive there (when the weather is nice). 

Most mornings I go in to kiss Tim goodbye  about this time....

...or this time...

...or this time...

...and sometimes even as late as this.

 Needless to say, I don't get to work on time.  Like, ever.  Good thing I'm salaried.

But back to the snooze button.

That would be the giant dark gray button.  Wanna know a secret?  I hardly ever use the snooze button.  You see that tiny button above it?  Can you read what it says?  No, because I don't have mad alarm-clock-photography skills.  I will tell you what it says.


Yes, that is my beloved nap timer.  You can set it at any time in 10 minute increments up to 2 hours!!!!  It is AWESOME!  You can set it for the amount of time you want your nap to be.  No worries about setting you alarm and forgetting to change it back.  I fully utilized this button in college.  And I still do to this day.  Usually I hit it for 20 minutes, then decide I want another 10.  It is an amazing feature. 

And that's my bad habit.


  1. I could have written this post. I have a feeling it has something to do with the 101 things good homekeepers must do each night before retiring to bed...and for me I have a strong inkling my computer plays a part as I wander longingly around the internet looking for beautiful and inspirational and wise things. :)
    I'm enjoying your photo posts.

  2. nicely done! ;) we have gotten in the habit of going to bed late too... especially in the summer when it's light outside for so much longer!

  3. oh yes... i also have been staying up too late... although.. i dont have to get up at 6 a.m. YIKES!! And yes... Beth.. I actually keep up to date on her blog and I finally admitted to her today my blog stalkerish ways as she was asking about photo tips and I had one :) ha! so that was probably what brought everything to the surface! and yes.. #3... its gonna get crazy up in here!:)

  4. I can't believe that you and Kim have been to a snapshop and actually met Ashley Ann! I check her blogs in the morning when I am eating my breakfast, since she is an early poster. Usually in that 7:20-7:30 time range when I should already be out the door :)
