Sunday, June 19, 2011

photo challenge day 5: from a high angle

As soon as I saw today's photo assignment, I knew just where to take a photo from a high angle-- the kitchen sink!  Isn't that where you usually go to get a good view?  Ok, maybe not.  The roof would be a better choice and that's what I was going to do, but it's stinking hot outside and shingles wouldn't exactly cool me down.  So I hopped up onto the sink.

My kitchen isn't exactly a show room, so I took a picture of what is typically on the kitchen floor when I am in there... dirt and dogs.  Hopefully you can't see the dirt in the pictures.

They could hardly hold still for pictures, so Tim pretended there was something on the floor for them to eat (that's what his foot is doing.)

Even that didn't work.  Oh well.  At least I got the pictures before dark so the lighting is better this time around.

In other news, the battle with weeds in my garden rages on.  I worked on them for awhile today, but it was hot and the bugs were biting, so I threw in the towel.  I just need to work on it little by little each night.  That should be easy enough to squeeze in with walking the dogs and cooking dinner and all that good stuff.  One more thing... there's always time for one more thing, isn't there?  No.  There's not even time for what I have to get done.  Oh well, I supposed that's life.

Hope you all had a great weekend.  Happy Father's Day! 

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