Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Meme Day 21: Inception

Hopefully you've either seen the movie Inception or at least know what it's about.  If not, it's a movie about dreams within dreams...and even dreams within those dreams within a dream.  From what you've learned so far this month, it should be no surprise that an idea like this would be parodied across the web of the wide world.  This meme kind of took two forms.  One was just using the sample panes to have a mock conversation and come up with words ending in -tion, like Inception.  Others just used the theme of "going deeper" or things inside of things.  Some used combos of both.  Ok I'll quit talking before your brain blows up just like it did when you watched Inception (you did see the movie, right?).

Look closely at the pizza...

Did you know that you can get an extension for the Chrome browser that lets you run Internet Explorer inside a Chrome tab?  Browseption!

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