Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 3

I am now 3 days in to my two weeks of no carbs.  It has been a lot harder than I thought it would be, and I am a lot hungrier that the diet promised.  I am supposed to be able to eat whenever I am hungry, but I need to keep my cheese and nuts consumption to a moderate amount and supposedly supplement with veggies. The problem is, veggies don't fill me up at all.

I am feeling less hungry today than I was the last two days, but I wondering if my stomach is just shrinking because I am eating less.  I am still wondering if I should be doing this or not... it just seems so "crash diet."  But I will stick out the no carbs for the remainder of the two weeks, and hopefully when I start eating healthy carbs again, things will be better.

The idea behind no carbs for a week is to stabilize your blood sugar because supposedly the blood sugar roller coaster is what causes cravings.  That may be the case...sort of... but I am thinking there are a lot of other things that make me crave carbs.  Like seeing them.

I haven't felt sleepy or fuzzy since going off sugar, but I don't know that I would say that I feel great either.  I have that fasting headache a lot, and sometimes I just feel kind of yuck.  I told Tim tonight that I do feel skinnier, but maybe it's because I feel like I'm wasting away.  That's maybe not good.  But I don't feel like I'm starving all the time, I just feel different.  Each day I feel a little better, so maybe I will get used to it.  I think I have been able to focus more at work than before I went on the diet, so that's good.  Especially because things are really busy at work and I have a lot to do.

All in all, I think it is good to practice discipline at times in areas of my life.  I need to realize that I don't have to have junk food.  I don't think that being controlled by food and cravings is the righteous life God desires, but He also gave us all things to enjoy.  I definitely think this experience will help me enjoy food more.

So that's the update for now.  I am trying really hard to wait a week before I weigh in again to see how things are going.

Thanks for listening, and good luck with your New Years' resolutions!


  1. Keep up the good work Stephanie. I know you can do it!!! Just keep busy (which I'm sure is not a problem) and don't spend too much time following Pioneer Woman.

  2. I'm so proud of you!!!
