Monday, January 17, 2011


Well, kids... this is it.  My 100th post.  To commemorate this milestone, I will share 100 things that make me happy (in no particular order).

  1. Tim
  2. Snow
  3. Christmas
  4. Jynx
  5. Swimming
  6. Mulled Cider
  7. Sisters
  8. Clean socks
  9. Flannel sheets
  10. Running errands with my dad
  11. Shopping and all-you-can-eat-pasta-Thursdays at Buehler's with Mom
  12. the Wayne  County Fair
  13. small group
  14. Reese's Pieces Blizzards
  15. Disneyworld
  16. Gardening
  17. Naps
  18. baking sweet rolls
  19. helping people
  20. babies falling asleep in my arms
  21. my office roommate, Mindy
  22. brown paper packages tied up with strings
  23. a clean house
  24. Taylor University
  25. pizza
  26. going out to eat
  27. going on adventures with Lil' Brudder
  28. winning
  29. a job well done
  30. cousins
  31. Anne of Green Gables
  32. soft blankets
  33. cuddling
  34. comments on my blog
  35. Valentine's Day
  36. pudding
  37. road trips
  38. hugs from my man
  39. getting magazines in the mail
  40. driving with the windows down
  41. stepping on crunchy leaves
  42. football
  43. baseball
  44. sour cream and cheddar potato chips
  45. pasta
  46. new jeans
  47. bonfires
  48. summer
  49. Thanksgiving
  50. the boys at the Fareway meat counter
  51. Pioneer Woman
  52. Family Fun Run/Walks
  53. the beach
  54. mittens
  55. Hilton Head Island
  56. memories from high school
  57. sleeping with a fan on
  58. New York
  59. math
  60. singing in the shower
  61. lifeguarding
  62. the smell of cut grass
  63. playing the piano
  64. when things turn out ok
  65. strawberry shortcake
  66. yellow roses
  67. the smell of burning leaves
  68. talking to kids
  69. peanut butter s'mores
  70. eating Cheerios under the blanket
  71. sister sleepovers
  72. finishing a race
  73. people named Emily
  74. good hair days
  75. college friends
  76. losing weight
  77. Full House
  78. dessert
  79. green tea
  80. blogging
  81. did I mention my sexy husband?
  82. going out for lunch
  83. NPR
  84. vacations
  85. days off
  86. painting my house
  87. going to Aunt Ruth's
  88. daisies
  89. when people know me well
  90. flip flops
  91. grace
  92. forgiveness
  93. community
  94. love
  95. support
  96. the 7 world wonders
  97. chex mix
  98. being married
  99. girls night
  100. God's redemption


  1. Ooohph; that's a great list. However, what I think I really expected to see was "Do you wanna buy a duck?" but a really great list nonetheless. Also, I think you meant "Losing weight" with just one "Oh" :-)

  2. How could I miss "Wanna buy a duck?" It should totally be on there. But there are lots of things that aren't on there that make me happy.

    And thanks for the spelling catch :)

  3. Not many things make a mother smile more than seeing and knowing her daughter-in-law loves her son and he is worthy of 4 separate listings in her daughter-in-laws top 100 things that make her happy. Thanks, Stephanie, for loving and taking such awesome care of our son way out in the cornfields of Iowa:) I think you should be my daughter-in-love, not daughter-in-law. :) I love you! Mom Taylor
