Friday, November 29, 2013

The best part of Thanksgiving

 Hi everybody!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I sure did.  I would love to list all of the blessings that I am thankful for, but there I no way to do that.

This year I'm spending Thanksgiving with my in-laws.  I am one of the lucky people in this world that have amazing in-laws.  I am loving every minute of our visit with them!  Thanksgiving was filled with food, laughter, and love.  My favorite part of the whole day was this:

We brought dessert over to Grandmother and Grandfather Taylor's and visited for awhile.   Tim and I don't get to see them very often, because we make it out here once year at the most, but whenever we do, I just love our visits.

Grandmother is a good piano player, and my brother-in-law, Dan, is a professional opera singer, and the rest of the family isn't too shabby at singing either.  They have a tradition of gathering around the piano and singing hymns and Christmas carols (in 4 part harmony).  It was a lot of fun to try to sight-read an alto line again.

Then we sat down for some pie and ice cream and visiting.

Two years ago I lost my paternal grandpa.  I was particularly hard because he was my last living grandparent.  Tim is lucky enough to still have all 4 of his, so I try to enjoy the time we have with them.  Grandmother and Grandfather are awesome.  This is a picture of them that was on the dresser in their bedroom.

I love it so, so much!

Grandfather served on a submarine for the Navy during WWII.  I am so proud of him and so grateful.  He loves to share stories, including of his Navy days.  One year he snuck home for Christmas, without leave papers or out of bounds papers.  When they came around to check for papers on the train he pretended he was asleep, and when they tried to wake him, a lady said "oh, leave the poor man alone... he's just a soldier trying to get home for Christmas."

Grandmother raised 4 wonderful boys, and is such a wise mother... there is so much to be learned from her. She is such a sweet and generous lady.  Even though she's almost 90, she and Grandfather are both sharp as a tack.  She's always so glad to see us, and remembers the details of what we're up to, and always asks specific questions about what's going on with us.  Also, she always greets us with a kiss, which I love.

I am so, so grateful for these dear, sweet people.  Thank you for loving me and welcoming me into your family!  And thank you, Tim for marrying me and bringing me into your family--I love you!

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