Friday, September 7, 2012

a collection of short stories

Can I please tell you some stories?

Good.  I was hoping you would say "yes."

Two weeks ago, I was having a crapalicious week.  You can read about it here if you really want to.  Then some happy things happened.

Amy and I watched Thoroughly Modern Millie.  We can officially be friends now.  Also, we ate churros from TJ's.  It was  very good day.

God and I spent 5 hours in the car together on a roadtrip to Chicagoland.  I had dinner with Kapowski.  Kapowski is amazing.  You can read more about her here.  I got to meet her son and see her house.  I also got to eat fried pickles.  It was truly wonderful! 

Isn't it so great when you get together with friends, and it's like nothing has changed?  You just pick up right where you left off.  That's how me and Kelly are.  Nothing has changed.  Except we are both married and have houses.  And we live in different states, and she is a mother to a toddler (still blows my mind).

One thing that definitely has not changed: Stephanie still does not remember to take pictures.  So I don't have a current picture of the beautiful Kelly Kapowski/Beire.

But... for the sake of having a picture, here is one of me with Kelly (right) and Emily (see story #10, below)

Kelly, it was so, so, so, so great to see you.  We probably should resume our tradition of watching Little Women at Christmas time.

I spent the remainder of my time in Chicagoland with Lisa, who actually lives in the same town as Kelly...and they didn't even know it!  And yes, they know each other, too.

Lisa and I laughed sooooooo much.  Her roommate Janelle joined in on (and added to the giggles) as well.  We stayed up way to late talking and laughing, then (for some reason I still can't explain) got up at 9 the next morning. We putsied around all day, laughing and talking and laughing and talking.

Most of the talking was me trying to get her to move here.  Lisa is one of those people that is always trying to get you to talk about yourself, and avoids talking about herself.  I am one of those people that loves talking about myself, so her trickery works pretty well on me.  But she is getting better about letting me ask her questions about herself, and I am very proud of her for that.

Anyway, we make breakfast, walked, went to JoAnn's and saved $112 dollars (Am I good or what?  Ok, let's face it, I "saved" the money by not buying what I went to not buying anything at all actually).

Then we ate frozen yogurt.  Then we had dinner with the Howards (see story #4) and played games at thier house with Janelle and Cheryl.

Then we went to her church, which was really amazing, and then we went to lunch with Janelle and thier friend Laura who is also really amazing.  Laura told Lisa she could not move away from her to be near me.

Lisa-- I thought of a solution to this problem.  You AND Laura can move out here!

Then Laura took a really cute picture of me and Lisa (we were so cute).  I would love to share it with you, but for reasons that are explained in story #7 below, unfortunately, I cannot.

Then I had to drive home, and it was really, really sad.

Bummer, dude.

Note: Tim was not at home... he was gone for the weekend.  So I was sad to be coming home to an empty house.  Just wanted to clarify I was not sad to come home to Tim.

The Howards that we had pizza with and played games with are super-awesome and fun.  They are my college roommate's (Beth) family, and they have adopted Lisa and I as daughters.  It is important to note that they already have 4 daughters.

We had a party of 12 people at the pizza place, and the server asked us if we were celebrating.

Nancy (Mom Howard) said "Yes, we are!"
Craig (Dad Howard) said "Our long-lost daughter is here!"

He was talking about me!  What a guy...  

We had so much fun, I was laughing so hard that my face was cramping up. But we all missed Beth, who now lives in New Mexico.

Beth-I'm coming in October.  We should probably get together!

Thank you, Howards, for such a wonderful time!  I am so, so, SO glad I got to see you.  Your generosity and hospitality are such an inspiration to me.

I went to work the day after I got back.  As I was driving into work, I thought to myself "Self... I really could go for some coffee and scones.  Maybe someone will bring in scones today."

The next day, Jenn and I drove 6 hours to Nebraska, spent about 4 hours at a funeral, then drove 6 hours home... all in one day.  It was good to see family, and I am glad we were able to go to the funeral (my dad's Aunt Joyce passed away), and Jenn and I had lots to talk about, but gracious it was a long day.

When we were planning the trip, Jenn texted me and said "Do you want to pick me up at 6:30 am?  I'll bring coffee and scones!"

God is good, all the time.  How's that for an answered prayer?

They were really good scones, Jenn!

Tim came home last Wednesday.  And there was much rejoicing.

Sapphire came to visit last Friday.  Again, more laughing.

Last weekend we tore the car apart to do some preventative maintenance.  I was taking pictures and I left the camera in the garage.  Then I brought it back inside.  Then I may or may not have taken it back out to take more pictures.  I really don't know.  Because I really can't find it.  Which is really a bummer.

Good thing Tim doesn't read my blog, so he doesn't have to find out I lost the camera.

Also last weekend, we make pickles.  And we had some people over for Sunday dinner.  (For those of you who don't know, Sunday Dinner is the meal you eat when you get home from church).  And we had a great time and laughed really hard.

I did payroll this week.  My coworker who usually does it is on vacation, so I filled in, because apparently people still want to get paid, even when HR is on vacation.

I made one little mistake on it, then when I tried to fix it, it tried to pay everyone double.  Then when I tried to fix that it paid everyone triple.

Then I panicked and had a meltdown and quit my job.  Not really.

But it was pretty bad, and we all knew it because it was at that point that I made a phone call AND asked for help.  Two things I really hate to do.

Everything got straightened out, and everyone got paid.  I hope.

My friend Emily and I just had a phone date.  Like, just.  She's pretty great.  And she does exciting things like live in NYC.  And I miss her a lot.

I love you Emily!

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