Saturday, June 19, 2010

"Hey Part-Timer!"

My job requires that I do a lot of traveling to our campuses that are spread around the state, so I am out of my office quite a bit.  Because of this, I often am chided for being a "part-timer."

Well kids, it's not a joke anymore!  I am officially going part time!  Starting the week of July 12th I will only be working 3 days a week instead of 5.  I am excited and nervous all at once.  The past couple of weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster, but the Lord has been faithful to be clear about His will for Tim and I, and to provide a huge amount of support from many people who are close to me.

Why am I going part time?  To put it succinctly: I want to be more wifish.  As hard as I try, I simply can't do it all.  Working 40 hours a week, commuting 30 miles each way, teaching Sunday school, doing other things at church, keeping house,  and gardening was just too much.  Too many things are falling through the cracks, and my poor husband was suffering because of it.  

My first priority is to serve the Lord, and since I am married, I firmly believe that means being a support to my husband and making our home a loving and restful place to be.  As much as I believe that my job is ministry, my ministry to my husband needs to take priority over other ministry.

I was getting burnt out at work the past couple of months and thought I just needed a vacation.  Well, we went on vacation, and it didn't help... it made things worse.  So I  prayed a lot and sought wise council, talked to Tim extensively, then decided I wanted to go part time.  To see how this would effect things at work, I made a list of all of my job duties and added up how much time they take.  I was shocked to see how little time it actually takes to do my job!  What have I been doing all along?!  

I spoke with my boss and she said she would think about it an talk to her boss and got back to me last week saying it was a go.

While I sometimes feel guilty since so many other people work full time and still keep up with their housework, I know that my expectations come from the Lord and not what society says I should be able to do.  Tim and I look forward to this new adventure and are excited to see what God has in store for us in my increased time at home.  I don't know what it is, but I am thinking it will involve getting enough sleep.  Yay!

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