Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Basement: Week 4- The End of the Brute Force Era

In the past week, we've made a lot of progress getting rid of the old slab.  Let's take a look, shall we?

Here's where we were last week:

And here is where we are currently (no visible progress has been made yet this week).


It's hard to tell from the pictures, but the old slab is basically gone.  We just need to remove the parts under the stairs and the water heater.  You know... the easy parts.  

So far what we've needed is lots of help and lots of brute force.  We're now entering the stage where things require less muscle (hopefully) and a lot more... finesse.

Our physics professor at college, Dr. Davis would talk about how many problems would have two ways to solve them:

1) The Brute Force Method: This was almost always guaranteed to get you an answer, but it was often a lot  of repetitive calculations and could take a long time.  That's what we've (literally) been doing so far on this project.  Lots of hard work, lots (and lots and lots) of repetition: lots up shovel scoops, buckets, and trips to the dump. This is because option #2 wasn't really an option for most of the floor.

2) The Simple, Elegant Method:  These methods were often harder to find, because they may not work in every situation, but when you can use them.... SUCH A RUSH!!  A great example of Simple Elegant Techniques are Maxwell's Equations, amIright?   Anyone? ... Anyone? 

"Simple" might be a bit of a misnomer, since it often involved much more advanced mathematics, but when you found just the right problem, where things would start to cancel and/or go to zero (NOT divide by zero, that's when things go kablooey)...oh man.  That's the best.  It's like finding a way to prove things in 3 steps instead of 10.  I usually thought it was worth the 10 extra hours it would take to find the Simple Elegant Solution, just for the satisfaction of finding it.  (Granted, that often resulted in my homework not getting done, which helps explain my abysmal grades...)Even now, my mathematical brain is always saying "but there must be simpler way..."

Sorry, I got a bit lost in my metaphor there.  The point is, we've got problems to solve.  And Brute Force will do more harm than good in many of these situations.  Here are the things we need to figure out/ do before Midwest Basement Systems comes on the 9th:

  • How to remove the concrete under the water heater, and leave the water heater in a place where a new slab can be poured underneath.  My definition of the Simple Elegant Solution for this does not involve 2 weeks of cold showers, but we'll see if we can find that solution.
  • How to remove the concrete under the stairs while still supporting the stairs because, well... we kind of need them.
  • How to cut out the old cast-iron drain pipe so we can hook in new plumbing.
  • Where our new plumbing needs to go (Simple and Elegant is OBVIOUSLY the desired solution on this)
  • How to keep from losing our minds

Tim took next week off of work in order to address some of these concerns, so let's pray it is productive time! Meanwhile, I'll be starting a full-time course-load and working 23 hours.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: God has been so faithful to provide what we need when we need it throughout this whole process.  I can't thank our friends enough for helping us out. You are fantastic and a blessing.  It is our hope and prayer that the new space in the basement will be used to bless many people.  If the way God (certainly not us) is moving this project forward is any indication, I think He wants this to happen, too.  I just look forward to seeing how He plans to use our humble hole in the ground :)

FYI- Stayed tuned later this week for our first ever GIVEAWAY!!!

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