Friday, August 22, 2014

Back to School Giveaway!!

UPDATE: This giveaway has been closed and a winner has been selected.  Congratulations Hoovy!

I know many of you have already gone back to school, but for this college student, classes start next week.  And I couldn't be more excited!!!!  I don't think I've ever been this excited about classes starting before.  I've been excited to go back to school and see friends and do other stuff but classes and homework... not so much.

I LOVED my summer classes, so I'm hoping the infatuation continues into this semester.  I know that a week from now I will have changed my tune, but I'm just going to relish the anticipation for now.

In order to celebrate this momentous occasion, I've decided to do a little giveaway!  We've never done one here before, so we'll see how this goes.  

This giveaway is not sponsored by anyone bu BTTJ and myself... I'm just sharing with you some of my favorite things and hoping you love them too.

First (and most importantly) let me introduce you to my specially curated B2S prize package.  (I was going to come up with one of those cute photo-collages that shows everything in one place, but it was too much work and I gave up.  Maybe next time.)

I know I should saved the best for last, but I'm sharing it first.

This here pencil is The Best Pencil in The World: The Zebra M-402.  I got one when I was in high school (maybe even junior high...can't remember, exactly) and I STILL USE THAT EXACT SAME PENCIL.  It has stayed with me for the past 10-15 years (we'll keep that timeframe a little vaugue) through high school, college, and my 6 years at my past job.  Needless to say, I have a bit of an emotional attachment to it. I always keep a VERY SHARP (no pun intended) eye on it when someone borrows it, and I won't let them take it out of my sight.  So many people have been like "Wow, that's a great pencil."  And I'm like, "yeah, I know... now give it back." This pencil takes .5mm lead (I can't handle .7 mm-- so big, so sloppy), and is comfortably heavy with nice grip. Thankfully they still make it, so I got one for the lucky winner.  As a bonus, it also comes with the Zebra M-402 pen, which might also be great but I honestly don't know.  

If someone could come up with a criticizm of The Best Pencil in the World, it would be that there's not much of an eraser. I don't see this as a weakness at all, because why do we expect our pencils to be erasers?! Let it focus on being the best pencil it can be, and leave the erasing to a Real Eraser.  I am picky about erasers as well--there are a ridiculous amount of bad erasers out there.  Here's a hint: if it's pink, it's bad.  The eraser that the lucky winner wins is definitely a Real Eraser.  My good friend, Anne, got me one just like this because the case was purple and she new I would love it.  And I do!  It's the perfect side-kick to my pencil, with some serious erasing skilz. In the interest of full disclosure, when I ordered the eraser, it said "colors may vary" and I didn't get the blue one, I got a purple one, just like mine.  

Next opinion: paper.  College ruled beats wide-ruled any day, in my book (again, no pun intended).  You only need wide-ruled to fit the huge writing from a .7mm pencil.  But you know what beats college-ruled? Graph-ruled!  If scribbling notes on graph paper doesn't make you look smart, I don't know what does.  The Lucky Winner will win this little (very little) bundle of 3 graph-ruled notebooks.  Won't you look so intelligent?

Friends, I must be honest--- I didn't get on the highlighting in books bandwagon until later in life.  But now that I have learned how much it helps me learned... well, they just don't make highlighters in enough colors do they?  Here is a pack of 5 colors to help you learn and maybe even keep you organized, should you so desire.

Gum is a MAJOR school essential for me.  I have a tendency to clench my teeth, so I need something to chew on.  One time in college I didn't have gum for a calc test, so I had to just chew on my shirt.  In case you didn't know it, this is the best flavor of gum: Orbit Sweetmint.  Because fruity flavors lose their flavor way to quickly, cinnamon is just... ew, and peppermint and spearmint are too strong and make me sneeze.  Sweetmint is the Baby Bear... just right. I usually just chew half a piece at a time, and I always save my wrapper to throw my gum away in.

Even the most opinionated people can be indecisive.  Case in point: chapstick.  I like the blue kind for it's neutral utility and spf.  The mint kind... well... to be honest, it's like a party on your lips.  I love them both.  So I'm giving you both.

And finally, a black sharpie.  Because we all need one.  You can use this to write names on plastic cups at the B2S party you're going to throw.

Ok, enough about me.  Here's how this giveaway is going to work:

  • Enter by leaving a comment on this blog post.  Facebook comments (while appreciated) do not count!  If you don't know what to say, tell my about your favorite school/ office supply, or maybe your favorite study tip.  Or maybe you think I'm wrong in some of my opinions (as if), say "Whatever, Steph....7 mm all the way!"
  • One entry per person, please.  However, if parents would like to help their kids enter, they can leave a comment with what each kid says.
  • All are welcome to enter!  I tried my best to keep this gender-neutral.  All ages are welcome.  Enter from anywhere in the world!  
  • Make sure I know who you are when you comment, so I can get this prize to you!  Any comments as "anonymous" will not be considered entries. Also, don't assume you're the only Fred or Felicia out there.  You don't have to share you're whole name, but just make it clear.
  • All entries must be in by 10 pm CDT on Sunday, August 24th. Winner will be chosen at random.


  1. I am totally the .7mm and a wide rule type of gal. That is why we are so good together! The ying yang type of deal ;)

  2. Hey Stephanie! This popped up on my Facebook, and reminded me of all of our fun adventures in college. I miss you roommate : )

  3. I LOVE school supplies! I find myself roaming the school supply aisle even though I don't need any. I remember always looking forward to the beginning of the school year so I could get some new Lisa Frank school supplies! And a new Trapper Keeper, but it had to have Velcro, or you weren't cool. I didn't even know they had graph paper notebooks!

  4. We love school supplies at our house also! You have several items we've never tried. :) We are college rule likers also and mechanical pencils...but have always used the cheap version. Lol Aimee Lehman

  5. If we can comment one per's one for Ellie. :) This girl loves all the fancy notebooks, folders, note pads. I always try and talk her into the solid cheap folders and go! So this ones for Ellie. :)

  6. Having seen all the prizes in person, I feel confident submitting my entry. I'm excited you are starting school soon! I can help you study if you need someone to quiz you.

  7. Ooooh, this is such a great collection. I only use 5mm lead and I always have to have a great eraser close by. And the graph paper is perfect! Since I am no long taking or teaching math classes, I have re-purposed what I have for designing out the next project around the house. I love drawing things to scale. Stephanie, you have great taste. We should be friends.

  8. I would also add index cards for making flashcards and color pencils for making out the muscles and organs for human anatomy.

  9. A little late on this, great idea! The zebra pens are awesome, my mom loves them, adn i rarely get to use them...
