Thursday, May 8, 2014

Real Life with the Taylors: Sleeping and Sleeps

We interrupt this tour of London with another episode of Real Life with the Taylors. I don't know about you, but all of this site-seeing is getting a bit tedious, so we're going to take a break. 
I would hate for you to think my life is all glitz, glamour, and site-seeing.  Even though we're living near London, there's till plenty of real life going on.
Exhibit A:

Let me explain what's happening here.
  1. There are no clocks in our hotel room.
  2. You don't realize how important it is for peaceful sleeping to know what time it is when you happen to wake up in the middle of the night, until there is not clock to see.
  3. I know what you're thinking. Just use your cellphone. Yeah, about that...
  4. Tim's phone is in constant use all day, meaning it needs to charge at night while we sleep.
  5. All power outlets are located by the desk, across the room from the bed.
  6. Tim found this digital nightstand app for the Surface, which solves our clock problems,
  7. Even when we turn the screen brightness down all the way, the screen is very bright when we're trying to sleep.
  8. Ever the engineer, Tim custom-made this screen cover.  This is why he gets paid the big bucks, folks.
What is the screen cover made of, you ask?  A scrap piece of paper Tim brought back from work.

What is that writing on it? I use the scrap paper to help me study write down very important notes for communication with my compadres back home. More specifically, I write down my thoughts of each dance in Dancing with the Stars and my overall impressions of the episode so I can send a well-informed email to Mindy.
Speaking of TV shows, that brings me to another show that keeps me up at night.  Guy's Grocery Games.  It's on most weeknights at 9 pm-- the perfect thing right before bed, right?

It keeps me up at night.  I lay in bed, thinking through all of the challenges the contestants had to face, and run myself through the paces of what I would do in their situation.  But I know the show mixes things up, so I extrapolate and mix and match.  They had to make taco in "Out of Stock" and sandwiches in the frozen food challenge.  What I it was the other way around, and I had to make tacos out of frozen foods only?
As someone who tries to thinkg through every scenario and eventuality, I lie awake for a couple of hours, mapping my way through the store and my strategy for completing the task in the 30 minutes.  Then I get stressed out because I am SO BAD at styling food.
So.... I don't watch that anymore.  At least not right before bed.
But bright screens and cooking competitions are not the only impediment to a sound night of sleep.  After weeks of trying to figure out why I was so tired all the time, despite spending an above-average number of hours in bed, I came to a realization:
This bed only has enough sleep in it for one person, but we're trying to get enough sleep out of it for two people.  Yes, two people can fit in a full-sized bed, but it's really only for one person.  At least that's the message I think it's trying to send by caving in the middle.
No worries, though-- only 4 more sleeps with two people. 
I can't believe that I go home on Monday.  I have a lot of mixed feelings about it, but it is what it is.  I could actually stay another month until Tim is done here, but I need to go home.

My dogburts need me.

1 comment:

  1. Fun post, Stephanie! Safe travels on your return journey.
