Sunday, May 11, 2014

I'm Coming Home


It's time. 

I've said my good-byes to London, I have a few more thing to buy/pack, one more sleep in this bed, then I head to Heathrow, to Chicago, to my dogs.

I'm going to miss British culture.  Public transportation, beautiful green parks, scones, being called "darling" and "lovey"...manners in general actually.  I'm going to miss the well-dressed people, the nice cars, and the pulse of the city.  I'm going to miss major historical landmarks at every corner, and lots of really, really old stuff. I'm going to miss eating out everyday, and having to worry about nothing but laundry.

But I'm looking forward to mid-western American culture.  Driving my car, open spaces and beautiful fields everywhere, homemade ice cream, and being called "Steph", because people know my name and know me.  I look forward to friendly greetings when I run into people I know all over town.  I'm looking forward to flip-flops and shorts and comfy t-shirts.  I'm looking forward to walking my dogburts around town and thinking to myself "That's Kari's house...  Shelby lives on that street...Pastor Bob's out mowing his lawn...That was Steve and Amy that just drove by and honked at me." I'm going to wonder if Scott's in the fire truck when it goes past out house, inducing Toby's special siren bark. I'm looking forward to playing in the dirt planting my garden, and mowing my grass and cooking dinner and baking, baking, BAKING!

I'm going to miss the excitement of new things at every turn, but look forward to familiarity and friends.

It's going to be hard to leave Tim here-- he's staying into June--but Sapphire is going to live with me, and I'm pretty sure we'll have a smashing good time.

That's all for now folks.  See you on the other side!

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