Thursday, July 19, 2012


See what I did there?  What's updog?

Last month when Dan and Ashley were here, "Uncle Dan" whipped out his (nice) camera a few times for some canine photo shoots.  Apparently the dogs are much more willing to pose for their uncle than they are for us.  Or he has a much faster shutter speed.

Either way, he got some really good shots of The Crazies.  Here is a glimpse at our everyday life.

This is how they spend most of the day... lounging around.

Standing guard

Trying (and succeeding!) to get out

Playing dinosaur (one of their favorite imagination games)

Digging up bugs in the flower bed
This is a really, really good picture of Tico...we call this his "clown face."

The grass is usually greener on the other side of the fence... except in this case there isn't any grass over there.

This picture is mostly to show you how blue my hydrangeas were.  I was SO EXCITED!!

Squirrel duty
Toby and Jynx were quite the fluff-buckets, so when they we went to Michigan and they went to "doggie camp" they got haircuts while they were there.  They look (and smell) SO much better, but Uncle Dan's gone so we can't get good pictures to show you.

As Toby is older, sometimes he isn't very hungry, so he doesn't eat his food.  Jynx is always more than willing to pick up the slack for him, but she needs to watch her weight like the rest of us, and we want Toby's food to be there for when he does feel like eating, so we lock it in his cage.

However, Jynx's appetite is not to be thwarted.  This is what she did the other day.

Often she will paw at his bowl until it flips, but we try to keep it far enough away from the sides of his crate that she can't reach it.

Notice how much better Toby looks with his trim!

This time she got a hold of his blanket and pulled it, which in turn moved the bowl and she was able to flip it so the food spilled out and she could reach her tongue in there to get the rest of it out.

Which brings me to another session of Growing Dogs God's Way...

How do you NOT LAUGH in order to discipline effectively?  All you parents out there... help me out!

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