Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another Near-Death Mum Experience

I am doing some in-depth scientific research to see how hardy mums really are.  I really put 'em through the ringer and see if they can take it.  It's totally on purpose. (Sarcasm)

Remember this plant from last fall?  Although it did survive severe under-watering, it never really did bloom much.  Better luck this year, since it's in the ground now.

My latest experiment was picked up for free at Hy-Vee when I ran (read: hobbled) in with Tim to pick up a few things. It was the day after Easter and it was sitting in a cart labeled "free mums."  Free!!  Who could resist?  Tim tried to explain to me that it was free because it was dead, but I told him there was plenty of life left in it.  So I took it home.

After it sat on my kitchen counter for a few days (that helps me remember to water things--when then are in my way when I need food), it was sunny outside so I set it on the ominous front steps.

I don't really remember watering it after I put it out there.  I thought we were going to get some rain, but maybe we never did.  Hmm.  So it roasted on the concrete south-facing front steps during the day, and froze the last few nights.  Didn't people used to do something like that to get germs out of their body?  Sit in a hot tub then jump into the snow?  I don't think it worked for them... and it didn't really work for my plant.

Here it is when I brought it inside this evening.

A little worse for the wear, but still green, so it's already better off than the last one.  After dead heading and pruning this is what we have.

Much better, right?  Now I just need to remember to water it every now and then and slowly harden it off, rather than throwing it into the big bad world all at once.  I am excited to see if the new little buds bloom.  I need to do what I can for this little plant, but we all know it's God who grows things, so I cannot claim responsibility for any miracles that may occur.

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