Tuesday, May 14, 2013

People ask me all the time...*

You and Tim seem so much alike.  Are you sure you're not the same person?

Yes, Tim and I do have a lot in common.  For instance, people have trouble deciding if we have brown hair or blonde hair.  (For the record, I have brown hair and Tim has blonde hair, although sometimes in the summer mine becomes lighter than his).  Also, we are both introverts, spend too much time in front of the computer, and we have the same address.  And last name.

But we do have a few difference.  Tim prefers french toast, and I like pancakes.  Tim could listen to music non-stop, while I much prefer talk radio and audio books.  Speaking of books, I love to read and Tim hates to.  Tim is a really fast reader, and I'm really not. I went to public school and Tim when to private school.  Tim wears a belt every single day and I do basically never. Also (yes, I will mention the obvious)... our names are spelled differently and pronounced differently.  Let me show you.


Sound it out... you'll see what I mean.

You never talk about your dogs.  Please, show us more pictures!  Which one is your favorite?

In my defense, I have mentioned the dogs a few time here on the blog.  For more information, click here.  Of course I will show you more pictures of my dogs!  And, I can't really choose a favorite, because they're all so different.

Jynx came to us first, and she is completely ours to own, so I think I am the most attached to her.  We thought she had behavior problems, but then we got the boys and she didn't seem so bad.  Sometime I think back on when she was our only dog, and about how life would be simpler if we just had her.  Its hard to explain, but she's the most independent, and also the most loyal.  She's also pretty bossy.  Also, she's a mess.  Maybe that's why I love her so much.

Toby is the people-pleaser of the bunch.  If you gave him all the attention in the world, it wouldn't be enough.  He cuddles the most by far, and will lick you until you pet him.  The second you stop petting he starts licking again.  He's conditioning you to pet him all the time.  Toby likes to be outside by himself though... I think its his way of getting away from the other two crazies (for clarification, I'm referring to Jynx and Tico).

Tico is my baby.  He thinks he needs me a lot, and wants to be on my lap whenever he can.  When he's not on my lap, he usually is completely wrapped in a blanket.  You know the house is hot when you can see his nose peeking out, because I'm talking completely wrapped.  He's like having a small child around... so much energy and curiosity.

Tell me about your lil' brudder.  He doesn't appear on your blog very much.

Sven graduated from Wittenberg University on Saturday, and we flew out just for the occasion (pretty literally...we got in at 1 am on Saturday, he graduated at 11, and our flight out was at 6:45 the next morning. It was a very restful and relaxing weekend).  He was a double major in math and physics, and would like to go to grad school (I think for a PHD) in physics.  When he was younger he said he wanted to be a rocket scientist... he could totally do it.  He's wicked smart.  Also, he's hairy.

I'm pretty proud of him and I love him.

You always look so fabulous.  What are your beauty secrets?

Aww thanks... you're too kind.  I'm really no pro, but one tip I have for hair that is full of body is to apply hairspray before you leave the house in the morning.  On your drive to work, roll down the windows and (if you have one) open the sunroof.  Instant fullness.  Trust me... it works.  Of course, the more hairspray you use, the longer it holds.

Is it ever acceptable to use miracle whip for anything?

No.  No its not.  Do not even allow that stuff in your house.

What are some of your favorite blogs to read?

I follow 31 different blogs (for realz), but many of those are not active anymore or do not post very often at all.  This leaves 10ish blogs that I follow on a daily basis.  Here are some of my favorites.

Devan was my sister's college roommate.  I love her blog because I love her, but also because she's a really good writer, I love the way she tells her stories and (let's face it) her girls are adorable.

Ashley Ann also has great pictures, and I love to see how she enjoys the small things in life.  She makes parenting seem like fun, even though its a lot of work.

Pioneer Woman is just a lot of fun, has great food, and a great sense of humor.  Tim has told me several times "I can see why you like her."  This may or may not be in relation to her posts about ending up in a ditch or having a kitchen that's a mess.

Joy the Baker is awesome, and I really want to be friends with her.  I love her perspective on life, and how incredibly beautiful she makes food look.  Also, she's really creative... creativity is good.  I hope it rubs off on me.

What are your favorite TV shows?

We don't have TV, but I keep up with about 5 shows right now.

The Office, because I started a few years ago.  I haven't been keeping up with it lately... I sort of feel like it's dying a painful death, but I should probably catch up before its over.

Parks & Recreation.  This is me and Sapphire's show.  Back when she lived in town, we would usually hang out on Fridays, and I had to make sure I watched Park & Rec from the night before so we could talk about it... otherwise she would yell at me.  We kind of like to imagine we're Anne and Leslie, but there's no real differentiation on who is who.

Modern Family.  Denny used to talk to me about this show, so I finally started watching.  It is hi-lar-i-ous.  We would laugh about it until he retired.  Honestly, I haven't been keeping up with it since then... it makes me miss Denny.

image source
New Girl.   My sisters in law actually recommended this one, and I've always been a fan of Zooey Deschanel, so I gave in this winter.  Then I promptly yelled at Sapphire that she didn't tell me about it.  And she said she didn't watch it.  So now I yell at her that she needs to watch it, and she gives me some excuse about being in school or something... seriously?

Big Bang Theory.  Do I really need to explain?

We'll that's enough for now.  I hope that you can sleep in peace now that you finally have the answers to all your burning questions.

*By "all the time" I mean basically never.  Its just this thing that a lot of bloggers say, so I thought I would try it out.


  1. New Girl!!! I'm always looking for people to talk about this show with!! Love it! Oh and love your blog!

  2. just reading a couple of your old posts... :) um NEW GIRL! yes please! too stinkin' funny... and BIG BANG THEORY! i just made a piece of subway art that says, "i love you like sheldon loves his spot" my mother-in-law asked me to explain and you just don't get it if you don't watch it... have you ever watched CHUCK? it's on netflix. um... 8 seasons. scott and i are currently obsessed. it's like big bang theory meets CIS with some Jason Bourne thrown in.
