Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thankfulness: The Team

Steve, Scott, and Licia all have plenty of mission trip experience and have gone on more trips than I can count (granted, I can only count to 5 before I lose track).  And they all said that our trip to Honduras was their best trip ever.  My previous mission trip experiences were so very different and I was at such such different stages in life with each one (high school and college) that it wouldn't even be comparing apples to apples, but this was probably my best trip as well.  As far as Tim is concerned... he doesn't really compare things, so he hasn't really weighed in on the subject.

There are a multitude of things that made this trip so wonderful, but the consensus among the adults seems to be these two crucial things:

1) The prayers of the saints.  We knew that a lot of people were praying, and we could feel it.  God's work on the trip was an answer to many, many, many, many prayers and He deserves all the glory.

2) The team.  We had such an awesome group of kids, and (I'm not gonna lie) the adults had pretty good chemistry going on, too.

I am so thankful for each of the members of our team and for what they brought to the experience. WARNING: Long, gushing post ahead.

So, please allow me to introduce you to the Fabulous Fourteen (in no particular order).

I am working on my list of 1000 things I'm grateful for, so the numbers indicate they are on my list.  Obviously, I've got quite a ways to go to get to 1000.

142) Daniel

I've said it before and I'll said it again.  Daniel is Tim in training.  Which helps to explain some of my appreciation for this guy.  As one of the older youths on the team, Daniel exhibited leadership, and as someone who had been to Azacualpa twice before, he brought experience and connection with the community.  Oh yeah... and he works really hard. And he knows what he's doing.  Tim and Daniel definitely did the lion's share of the construction work.  We all know that Big Time Timmy Jim Does Not Mess Around...and neither does Daniel.

143) Sam

Sam brought levity to the group.  Sam likes to have a good time, and will risk looking like a total dork in order to do it ( I mean that in a good way).  He has a positive attitude and is willing to help, even if he's not sure how.  Although his dance-dare maneuvers were perhaps not accurately captured on camera, I always appreciated his Gangnam Style anywhere and everywhere we went.

144) Shane

Shane chillaxin'

Shane is a real... surpriser.   At first you may think he is shy and quiet.  But he is one tough cookie with a load of personality.  Without Shane and his confidence, we would not have had a band for worship in the town square or Sunday school.  He starts out kind of quiet, but as he gets warmed up and acclimated, he can talk as much as the rest of them.  And he's hilarious.  We all know one of those people who sits in a group of people quietly when everyone else is talking, and then randomly (and often quietly... you have to really listen to catch it) they just say the funniest things.  That's Shane.  Also, he's pretty smart.  And he works really hard.  What I'm saying is... this kid's going places.

145) Toby

Toby is the philosopher of the group... always willing to think about and discuss tough theological issues.  But he's definitely not the mopey-hipster style philosopher.  Oh no... Toby knows how to have a good time.  He has an amazing balance of heavy thoughts and light personality.  If you've never encountered this combination (it's rare!) believe me when I tell you... it's a gift.  Like Daniel, Toby was one of the seniors on the trip and he really exhibited positive leadership, modeling flexibility and care.

146) Elliot

Elliot on left, Carlos on right

Elliot and I share many special bonds, including (but not limited to) our love of Downton Abbey and Modern Family.  Elliot has a very different perspective on the world from his peers on the trip, and I appreciate his conviction in his beliefs and willingness to discuss them.  (I'm mostly talking politics here-- you know, nothing controversial or anything :) He also has lots of positive energy that can best be described (simply because I can't think of another word) as bubbly.  He truly has a desire to bless and encourage the people he is ministering to.  When we were going to hand out groceries, he made a point to learn out to say "God bless you" (in the greeting/blessing way, not the sneezing way), and said it to each and every family he gave groceries to. 

147) Ruth

Ruth with a balloon on her head

What I really, really appreciate about Ruth is... her giggles.  She laughs at EVERYTHING!  You just look at her and she laughs.  It has a wonderful way of cheering others up and dispelling any tension or awkwardness.  That is a gift in a major kind of way.  It is such a blessing to be around so much laughter because--I'm not gonna lie-- laughing is a big deal to me.  Its healthy and its necessary.  I was also very proud of Ruth and her courage in sharing her testimony, in travelling without her parents, and also in how hard she worked, despite and injured finger.

148) Brooke


I didn't know Brooke very well before this trip, but that was my loss because she is just delightful.  She took to the kids in the home and the community like a fish to water.  She spent every single moment she possibly could playing with and interacting with the children there, and they LOVED HER.  Brooke is so, so good with kids, and it was beautiful to see her love on them.  It was also beautiful to see her grow through the process of preparing for and going on this trip.  She is an amazing young lady.

149) Ashtyn

Ashtyn actually graduated from high school last year, but she was on break from college and wanted to come.  As the oldest "youth" on the trip, she also brought leadership.  Ashtyn takes care of people.  It's just what she does.  And she did it in a way that wasn't super-bossy or mom-ish, but helpful and positive.  One of the things I really appreciate about Ashtyn is that she can laugh at her self.  She can dish it out, but she can also take it.  Even though I was supposed to be an "adult" on this trip, I really consider Ashtyn to be one of my peers.  She has already grown so much since she went to college, and I am so looking forward to seeing her continue to grow and develop into the life God has planned for her.

150) Autumn

I've gotta be honest with you... Autumn holds a special place in my heart.  When I first met her, we were kind of off to a rocky start.  But God taught me so much through her, and He has done a huge work in her life, and I know that He smiles when He looks at her.  She has been such a blessing in my life recently, and I count her among my dearest friends.  Now that Leah and Sapphire have both moved away, she is my go-to girl when I need someone to babysit me when Tim is gone.  Watching her serve and grow on this trip was inspiring.  She just wants to jump in and serve with fervor (not to be confused with firitual server :).  When she is in something, she is ALL IN.  I was also amazed at her ability to adapt to the culture, learn the language, and understand what life is like for the Hondurans. 

151) Ellyn

Ellyn is: thoughtful, considerate, reassuring, hospitable, loving, fun, flexible, reliable, trustworthy.  She is exactly the kind of person you want to hire as a babysitter because you know that you can trust her judgement.  And you get the feeling that she's been like that since she was 5.  She is wise beyond her years.  She can converse with an adult like she's an adult.  But she's not super-concerned with being a grown-up.  She likes to play and have fun like any other normal teenager.  Also worth mentioning: she's super-smart.  Ellyn is the kind of person you want on your youth mission trip.  She brings steadiness and calmness and willingness to do whatever is needed.

152) Licia

Undoubtedly, Licia was the Mom of the trip.  She looked out for us (ALL of us), she cared for us, she made sure we were all ok.  While I love living on my own (well... with my husband) and not being dependent on my parents, it is nice to be taken care of.  Licia took me under her wing and took care of me too.  And I needed it... I needed it badly.  I came into this trip so empty and worn out, and I got to go and be taken care of an loved and... I wasn't really responsible for anything.  It has been such a blessing to get to know Licia through this trip, and I have a sneaking suspicion this is a friendship that will last.

153) Scott

Scott is Licia's husband, and he has been to Honduras at least 10 times.  He has watched the kids at the home grow up, and he is loved and respected in the community.  Scott has a kindness and gentleness about him that allows you to instantly trust him.  Scott is a SERVANT and he will help anyone in any way that he can.  Due to some recent surgery, he was limited in the work he was able to do, but he did everything he could do... and some things he probably shouldn't have.  Scott was great at modeling flexibility and at teaching the youths how to do the work.  It is such a joy to watch Scott serve in his areas of giftedness and passion.

Steve in the yellow hat, Scott in the camo hat working side by side.  I kind of love this picture.

154) Steve

Steve's friendship to Tim and I has been such a blessing over the past several years.  As a youth pastor, Steve cares so much for the youth, and always sees the best in them.  His genuine care and concern is evident in the way he talks and interacts with others.  Steve is SUCH an encourager.  I don't know if this is because he always see the best in people... or if he sees the best in people because he is intentional about encouraging.  Steve pointed out so many things throughout the trip and after that I would have totally missed... like the wide variety of ministry we were able to do and how each person brought something special to the team (confession: I got a lot of the material for this post from his observations).  I particularly appreciated how Steve focused the preparation for the trip primarily on spiritual growth-- memorizing scripture, prayer partners, daily quiet times-- and not as heavily on the tasks we would be doing.  God would take care of the work that needed to be done.  We needed to prepare ourselves to be used by Him.

155) Tim

Big Time Timmy Jim was in full force, and...well... I found it rather attractive.  Autumn laughed at me on several occasions as she caught me taking pictures of Tim working.  Tim knew that he had a lot of responsibility in the construction, and he stepped right up to the plate.  But (for those of you who may not know) Tim is more that just a sexy piece of meat with a lot of practical know-how (seriously... he can fix anything).  He is also a total goof-ball.  He loves to play and have fun, and it is through this that he engages the youth.  You may or may not know this but...teenage boys are hard to reach sometimes.  But Tim is really good at it.  Just give him some piece of technology or some explosives or flames, and he can brew up all kinds of mischief in no time.  On a final note, I really want to mention how cool it is to see how Tim and Steve work together in youth ministry.  Their giftings are so complementary.  Tim's there to get the party started, and Steve is there to show love and caring.  It's hard to put into words, but I love watching it.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to go on this trip with these people.  God used each and everyone of them to accomplish His work in Honduras, and also to teach me things.  I wish we could do it all again, but I know it wouldn't be the same, so I need to be grateful for the experience I had, and the fact that these people are still in my life on a regular basis.

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