Saturday, March 9, 2013

2013 Goals

Seeing as its March 9th, I figured it was about time for me to share my 2013 goals with you :)

But first... let me make some excuses for why I haven't shared these (or started them) yet.

First, we have a little project going on at church.

Ok... its a big project.  

We built and addition and are transforming the unfinished part of our building into a new sanctuary.  Tim is responsible for the AV part of this... which is a large part of it.  In fact, its kind of like another full-time job.  The fact that he is still standing and (somewhat) functioning is a testament to the strength of the Lord.  Last week we were there for 12 hours pulling cable.  More on that later...

Lately, this book had been consuming my life.  

It was our book club read for our March meeting which was on Tuesday.  By the time I finally got the book, I had a week and a half to read it.  It's 462 pages.  Needless to say, I didn't finish it.  But I did put a significant dent in it, and I like it a lot.  And  I thought we had a pretty good discussion about it as well.  Now that that is out of the way, and I am down to working 4 days a week instead of 5, hopefully I have a little more time to live life.  We'll see.  Enough with the excuses... on with the goals!

I don't really make resolutions, because they sound so... resolute.  But there are a few things I guess I would say I am "reaching towards."  I know goals should be measurable and all that nonsense, but this is the type that works for me for now.  Some of these are blog-specific, others are work specific, and others are just life in general.  In all cases, they start NOW.  Not January 1st.
  1. Improve my photography
  2. Get on a regular posting schedule
  3. Learn how to edit photos
  4. Figure out a way to talk about "what I do" (aka, my job) that engages people in a conversation, rather than shut it down
  5. Keep my desk clean (clean it off every night)
  6. Get more sleep
  7. Dance at least once a week
  8. Find a leather bomber jacket for super-cheap...and buy it
  9. Spend more time being thankful
  10. Be more spontaneous and impulsive
  11. Pray more.
  12. Figure out what I am passionate about.
Aaand to kick things off right... here is a little inspirational video (thanks for sharing, Elliot!).

"Get a better dream and keep goin' and keep goin' and keep goin' and keep goin'."

Here's the thing... I don't know what my "dream" is.  Or maybe I just have too many of them.  In any case, I want my dream to be God's  dream for me.  That's a better dream, for sure.  So I'll be praying about that.

Did you watch the video all the way to the end?  About who encourages you? 

Confession: here is who encourages me.  YOU GUYS!  Comments totally make my day.  Watching the hits and seeing that people actually read this silly little blog puts me over the moon.  People telling me they enjoy this blog-- priceless.  Really guys... thanks.  You're pretty great.  Ok... really great.

"We've got work to do.  We can cry about it, or we can dance about it."

I vote for dancing.  At least once a week.


  1. I am ALL for dancing!! Daily if possible..and I don't mean the ballet Anna does. haha. Just doing a happy dance. Happy and thankful for the people God has put in my life. My awesome hubby. My incredible children--which includes you:). My faithful family. My inspirational church family. My fun school family--who also loves to dance! haha (Check out the video of a faculty meeting on my facebook). These are the reasons I get up each morning and dance! Much to the embarrassment of some of my children who shall remain nameless! haha Dream BIG and dream ON my dear Stephanie! God has a ton of dancing ahead for you and Tim!!!

  2. Sister!! Exactly the perfect blog post to read as I sit down for an all-day study session! Thanks!! :)

  3. Be proud of me, I just checked out the next book club book at the library. I may actually not only start it but finish it! Also, good post. And also, Sapphire said you haven't been to visit her in a while. Maybe you should add "hanging out with bestie and her bucket list" to your list of goals for the year. :)
