Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A few things you should probably check out

So, we had a bit of snow last night.  And its bitter cold outside.

Did I build a fire in the fireplace?
Why not?
The zippo was out of fuel, and I didn't know how to re-fill it, and all the matches were in the garage and I didn't want to trek out there and get them.

That's the story of my day.  Oh yeah, I also worked from home and got a TON done.  It was wonderful.

I thought I would take a little break from Honduras sharing and just share some stuffs with you that I have seen and liked.

Basically, you need to check this stuff out.

Vagabonding Under Sail
No boat yet!
image from Vagbonding Under Sail
These two crazy kids sold their house and bought a boat.  They are going to sail in the Pacific for 6 months.  I heard an interview with them on the radio when I was at work, going through reports to figure out who sent satisfaction surveys and who didn't.  They thought it was a good time to do it... before they had kids.  That is a good time to go on crazy adventures.

Ok, so sailing maybe isn't my thing (but I don't really know... I've never tried) and I'm not sure I want to live in an RV and travel around either.  But Denny said he had a friend that quit a job at a bank to go run a camp.  Now that is something I could do!

Alicia... you and Chip are living my dream. So enjoy it for me, ok?

You guys have hear of xkcd, right?  What?!  You haven't?!  Where are my fellow nerds?

Well, the same guy who brings you Sheldon-style comics Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, also does this "What If" thing, where someone asks a bonkers question and he does the math/ science to answer it.  Interesting, right?  I'm not selling this very well.

Remember he writes comics... he has an awesome sense of humor.

The latest is really interesting... you should probably check it out.  The last paragraph is my favorite.  I laughed and laughed.

And, just to give you a taste of xkcd and put you in the holiday spirit...

Valentine Dilemma

The children's home in Honduras has a website/ blog.  I really loved poking around and seeing pictures of the places I went and people that I met.  Also, they have this video. Again, you should probably check it out.

And speaking of videos, this one's kind of awesome.

And, finally, if you're not into Downton Abbey already, you should really get into it.  And by get into it I mean start with Season One and watch them in order.

Is there anything in the world of the wide webz that I should probably check out?  And WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING DOWNTON ABBEY?!  Or maybe you are.  Sorry I yelled at you.


  1. I think the levitate video could be renamed "Things Mandy would Never Ever Do"

  2. Those two videos are like night and day! I'll let you guess which is which. I will never forget either, I will also not forget the meaning of the word levitate! ~~~ Craziness!!! and my body aches just watching it :)

  3. Hi Stephanie! Thanks for the nice comments above. Glad you found our interview interesting. Trust me when I say sailing is super fun! I know of a great place in Iowa you can go and give it a try: - Fair Winds (& Stay Warm)
