Saturday, April 28, 2012

This & That

The measure of a good "this & that" post is the number of labels you can legitimately assign to it, right?  Let's see how good I am.

There's lots of stuff going on around here.  The most exciting is a secret project I am working on that I can't wait to finish and show you.  I'll give you a hint: it involves my sewing machine.  I'm super, super excited about it.  But don't get excited... its really not that exciting.  I get excited about little things.

126) Tim finished ripping out the wall in the basement last week!  Yay!  In the days following we bagged that wall up and took it to the dump.  The first load was 1660 lbs.  The second load was only 1300 lbs.  The Ranger's load (including passengers, etc) should not exceed 1000 lbs.  Whoops.  But that wall is GONE.



127 ) We got the airducts up, and the heat is going.  It is so nice and toasty and warm in here!  We have't had the heat on in over a month.

In other news, why I am so grateful for heat on April 28th when March 17-19th we went on a retreat and I had to scrounge up some shorts to pack because the weather would be warm. Voss?!  (FYI: "Voss?!" is German for "Say waaaaa?!")

For those of you who think I'm super-organized and stay on top of things and keep things neat & tidy...

Am I the only one who does things like this? Please tell me I'm not.

Last weekend I hired a girl from the high school youth group to come help me with some yardwork.  Here was my reasoning.

  • I had way more yardwork than I could ever get done (even though I only work part time).
  • Some of the jobs require two people.
  • Tim is busy fixing the car so he can't help me.
  • Most people hire someone to fix their car, but my husband fixes ours.
  • That means I can hire someone to help me with the yardwork.
  • Let's be honest, I was just looking for an excuse to hang out with Autumn cause she's awesome.

128) We got a lotta yardwork done.  Maybe someday I will show you pictures.  But no promises.

This was my to-do this for this weekend.

I tend to get overwhelmed when I think of all I have to do and all I haven't done, so I try to make a list of the things I did do.  It makes me feel better about myself.  Here is where I currently stand on the above list.

After I hit "publish" I can move "blog post" from the left-hand (undone) side to the right-hand (done) side.

129) Tim warmed some peanut butter up in a little bowl, then put some ice cream on top, then put chocolate syrup on top.  He gave me a bite, and it was A-MAZ-ING.  Amazing.  You should try it immediately.  I waited for an hour then copied his idea.  I didn't give him a bite of mine, though.

At my Bible study on Monday morning the leader was going around the room asking for prayer requests.  She got to me, and I didn't have any requests, so I just said "I don't have anything... my life is boring."  I don't know why I said that, but here are a few possible excuses.

  • I thought it wasn't ok for life to be ok, so I felt I needed some explanation for why I didn't need prayer, and since I'm super-creative I came up with "my life is boring."  (For the record, its ok for life to be ok.  Just praise God and thank Him for those seasons.)
  • I assumed they all think my life is easy because I don't have kids, and they all do (except Blessy).  So what would I be busy doing or what would be wrong with my life if I didn't have kids? (I'm not saying they really think this.  I'm saying this is what I think they are thinking, and we all know that thinking we know what someone is thinking is a bad idea.)

130) When Blessy and I were driving home, she totally called me on it.  "Why did you say your life is boring?  You do lots of things at church and you work three days a week."  It led to a really great, encouraging conversation.  Blessy is the perfect name for her.

I may not know what to say when someone asks me for a prayer request and I don't have one, but I do know this:

There is never a dull moment around this place.

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