Sunday, April 25, 2010

Garden Starts

I haven't been blogging lately because the weather has been so nice and warm, that I have been hard at work on my garden.  There isn't much growing in the ground yet, but here are some other pictures about what's going on.

I decided to try to start my plants straight from seeds.  Attempting to do this in the most cost-effective way possible, I used junk from around the house and in the recycling bin to hold the dirt.  Since I didn't have my handy-dandy shop light set up yet, many plants camped out on our kitchen table by the big west window to get sunlight.  

This required that the table be pushed right up to the window for maximum sunshine.  As you can see, Jynx did not allow this to cramp her squirrel-hunting style.

Waiting is the hard part for me.  Once the seeds are in the dirt, you just have to wait... there is nothing else to do!  I found myself fighting the urge to water them constantly, just so I could do SOMETHING.  But alas, things happen quickly in a garden.  My little "babies" sprouted!

Look!  Something is growing IN MY HOUSE!

SO exciting!   The first seeds I started were broccoli and cabbage, then later I did tomatoes and peppers.  Onions, lettuce, spinach, and potatoes will be direct-sown into the ground.  Ah yes... the ground.

We borrowed a tiller from my coworker and went at the dumpy-looking piece of land by our garage (why not make it useful for something?).  Here is my extremely attractive husband doing the dirty work:


(Sorry, ladies... he's taken.)

And what kind of soil did all of our roto-tilling dig up?  Well, soil seems like a strong word for what we found.  Would you like some dirt with that gravel?

We definitely have our work cut out for us, but it will be an adventure.  I just keep on reminding myself that it is God who grows things, not me.

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