Wednesday, April 27, 2016

31 Things I've Learned in 31 Years

Hey Kids!  First, of all, I finally got around to changing the blog title.  Since we're no longer DINKs (dual income, no kids), I had to come up with something else.  Real Life with the Taylors seemed like the obvious choice.

Secondly, I recently turned 31. (I'm cringing as I confess my age.)  I thought I would share with you 31 little tidbits I've picked up throughout my life.  In no particular order, here we go...
  1. God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good.
  2. If you try to walk three dogs at one time by yourself, you're probably going to end up wearing poop.
  3. It's not for us to plan our families.  I've seen teenagers striving to be the best parents they can with what they've got.  I know single women who have been called to foster care and adoption.  I know couples that would be great parents that can't have kids.  I know couples that would be great parents that don't want kids.  And I think we all know some people that we don't think should have kids that do...If everything worked out the way it "should" life would be boring, and we wouldn't think we needed God.
  4. If someone's in respiratory distress the priority nursing intervention is to place them in High Fowler's position.  That's fancy medical speak for sit them up.
  5. You will be amazed at what you can do when you simply have to do it.  It's impressive what you can get through when the only way through is through.
  6. It's God who grows things.
  7. People who love drama say that they hate drama.  
  8. Dairy + grains = a complete protein.  Legumes + grains = a complete protein.
  9. You can't do it all.  And that's ok.
  10. Ravenclaw is my Hogwarts house.
  11. Vampires have a compulsion to count.  Related: sometimes Tim laughs like The Count after he counts.
  12. Onesies can be pulled down to be removed, they don't have to go back up over the head.  Life.  Changing.
  13. It is just as easy to put on a nice shirt and decent pants (or at least jeans) as it is to put on an old t-shirt and yoga pants.  Getting dressed in real clothes feels better and is more motivating that wearing pajamas/ "workout" clothes all day.  (Says the girl wearing yoga pants...)
  14. Dancing with the Stars is the best reality show on television!  Related: I love the Argentine tango.  Definitely my favorite dance.
  15. Life is short and there are no guarantees.  Treat people like they will die tomorrow.  Live like it's your last day.
  16. I am rich. Definitely by worldwide standards, and probably even by American standards.
  17. For some reason that I still don't understand, God has put all of the best people in MY life.  I don't understand why, and I don't deserve it, but that is God's grace-filled nature!
  18. Calcium constipates.  Magnesium is a laxative.  You're welcome.
  19. A lot of the things that drove you crazy about your mom when you were younger, you will thank her for when you are older, if you have the chance.  You might not have the chance, so thank her now and tell her you love her.
  20. If your deep freeze is making funny noises and you just bought a quarter of beef,check into that situation IMMEDIATELY.  Do NOT say to yourself, "Self, I have five tests in 3 days, I don't have time to worry about a freezer."  Because when you are done with all your tests and think you can relax, you find yourself with a bloody mess, crying as you throw your precious ribeyes into a crock pot.
  21. Don't gossip.  Just don't.  If you would be embarrassed for them to hear you say it, don't say it.  We all hate that awkward moment when we find out they were just coming down the hall and heard everything.
  22. Related: venting never works.  It doesn't make you feel better, it just makes you more frustrated as you focus on your anger and think up EVEN MORE reasons to be angry.  Try this instead: give them the benefit of a doubt.  Also, count your blessings!
  23. If you are feeling grumpy and/or angry, drink a big glass of water, eat a healthy snack, and take a nap.  If you're still angry when you wake up, take a walk.  If you're still angry, then maybe you're really angry.  But sometimes hormones can get confusing, so maybe wait 'til those die down, too.
  24. My dad knows a lot of stuff. A lot.  Of stuff.
  25. When we were babies dad would hold us all during dinner.  He would also talk in a Swedish Chef voice when he changed our diapers.  Which is funny because it's funny, but also because he is 100% Swedish and a really good cook.
  26. Sometimes the things you think you believe strongly in you change your mind about.  I used to think it was okay to heat water in the microwave to make a cup of tea.  Tim felt that water must be boiled in a kettle.  I now always use the kettle and he uses the microwave.  My, how people change...
  27. Generally speaking, when in London, if you are going one stop down on the Tube, it is faster just to walk.  
  28. Just when you think you've hit your maximum number of friendships you can maintain, God gives you more friends.  When you think you can't possibly love any more people, He expands your heart and gives you the love to love them.  It's really quite amazing, actually.
  29. You have to be doing what you're doing because it's what God has called you to do.  It can't be because of other people.  Your work besties will come and go.  Bosses change.  Your purpose has to be bigger than that.
  30. Mount Rushmore and Yellowstone National Park are great places to finish off your list of license plates!
  31. Even though I'm a broken, screwed-up mess, God makes something beautiful out of my life.  Christ has saved me!  It doesn't get any better than that.

1 comment:

  1. Love it Stephanie!! You do a fantastic job on what you put together for your blogs. Great topics too! You are such a blessing and a really great friend! Love and hugs sent your way.
