Saturday, January 30, 2010

Never Apologize...

I know that this is not a very Christian idea, but as someone who is trying to be a godly woman, it is a new concept I am trying to live by.

Certainly I need to apologize when I have honestly wronged or hurt someone, but I do a whole lot of apologizing and feeling guilty and sorry that I don't need to!  I feel bad when dinner doesn't turn out well.  I feel guilty when my house doesn't look the way I want it to or isn't clean.  I feel guilty when I forget to send someone a birthday card, even though they didn't send me one!  I spend way too much time and emotional energy fretting about stupid little stuff that I miss out on life!  Sound familiar to anyone?

Instead of wasting my time apologizing that things aren't how I planned them to be, I need to learn to relax and go with the flow and just pretend that I meant for it to be that way.  I have become a  fan of Julie & Julia, and one thing that strikes me about the movie is the contrast between Julie Powell and Julia Child.  Julie Powell has meltdowns when things get frustrating or she messes something up.  Even though she is trying to do something big and exciting with her life-- her "adventure"-- she gets so upset about the details that her life almost seems more miserable than if she wasn't on a big adventure.  Julia Child (or the one in Julie Powell's mind, anyway), is laid back and fun-loving, enjoying the little things in life.  It is the enjoyment of these little things that makes her life big and exciting.

I am SO Julie Powell!!   But I want to be Julia Child.  As Julia says (in the movie... I don't know if she did in real life) "NEVER apologize!  No excuses... no explanation."  THAT'S how I want to be... about little stupid stuff, anyway.

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 

Matthew 6:25

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