Friday, February 28, 2014

Royalty and Politics

Sorry if I got your hopes up about some sort of interesting discourse about how royalty impacts politics with that title.  I just meant that I saw Buckingham Palace and some political areas of London the other day.
I honestly don't even know everything that I saw, and I have no interesting facts or tidbit about these pictures to share with you, so this post is basically pictures.  Enjoy!

Buckingham Palace




St. James Park

Worth noting- there are FREE public toilets in the park!



Churchill War Rooms


World War II Memorial


Horse Guards 

Westminster Abbey

Big Ben

(with a CCTV camera)

Houses of Parliament

I'm sure I'll delve into these more in the future.  More information and (hopefully) better pictures to come later!


  1. Awesome pics - and to think you're actually THERE! Taking the pics yourself...what fun!
