Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Interview with Kaden & Jordyn

I'm back with another cutting-edge interview with Mr. Kaden.  His little sister, Jordyn, can talk now, so I interviewed her as well.  Let's listen in...

Name: Kaden
Age: 6

Name: Jordyn
Age: 2

Stephanie:  Which dog is your favorite and why?
Kaden:  Jynx.  Because she has big fur.
Jordyn: The baby.  Tico.  Because I like him.

Stephanie: What is your favorite thing?
Kaden:  Mom & Dad, but I have lots of favorite things. A tractor.
Jordyn: Um... Tico.
Stephanie: That's your favorite thing in the whole wide world?
Jordyn: Yeah.

Stephanie: What do you guys want to be when you grow up?
Kaden: A farmer.
Jordyn: Um...buttons, like those right there.
Stephanie: You want to be buttons when you grow up?  That's what you want your job to be?
Jordyn: Yeah!

Stephanie: What do you think of your brother/ sister?
Kaden:  Uh... that' she's really silly, whenever I do something that looks weird.
Jordyn: Being nice.

Stephanie: What do you like about kindergarten?
Kaden:   Seeing my friends from preschool.
Stephanie: Are you excited to go to preschool?
Jordyn: Mmm Hmm.  I am excited to go to preschool.  I like kindergarten, because I had kindergarten today, but I don't tomorrow.  You see, tomorrow I have my birthday, and then tomorrow I have to go to the store.

Stephanie:  What is your favorite thing about winter?
Kaden:  Snowmen.  Wait... mine is driving in the tractor in the snow.
Jordyn: Um... I go to my school, and then I will go to my birthday, and then I will go to my school in Marshalltown.
Stephanie:  What is your favorite toy?
Kaden: toy tractors.
Jordyn: Umm... Tico.  This one right here.   Come here, baby!

Stephanie: What is your favorite color?
Kaden:  Green.  Yellow. Black.  White. Red. Brown.
Jordyn: I like pink and white.

Stephanie:  What is your favorite food?
Kaden: Corn on the cob.
Jordyn: Um... dogs to get Tigo (Tico).
Stephanie: So dogs are your favorite food?
Jordyn: Yeah.

Thanks, Kaden and Jordyn for hanging out with us tonight and playing with the dogs.  You guys are great kids and a lot of fun!  

P.S. For more earth-shattering interviews, you can go here and here.


  1. So cute! They seem so huggable (my spell check doesn't know that word, but I'm sure it is one...:)) and lovable! And, Steph, you're a great interviewer!

  2. Elizabeth giggled through the whole thing! She loved it!! And so did I! Great questions and great pictures!

  3. Great interview Steph. So good to hear from Kaden & Jordyn too! They are two of the cutest kids I've ever met, but considering who there Mom is, that's not too surprising!
