Yes, I remember that a couple of weeks ago I mentioned I would maybe have a post about progress on the basement for you, and I realized that did not happen. But here is what I would like to say about that:
- My exact words were "I may or may not have a basement update for you." Obviously, we landed on "may not."
- The lack up an update post is not due to a lack of progress. Ok, so things have been a little slow down there in the past couple of weeks, but we certainly have made progress since the last update you received.
- After some aggressive drilling, the tendons in Tim's wrist have needed a bit of recovery time before progress continues.
In case you're interested, here's what is happening around here.
As usual, the dogs continue to be dogburts.
I love it when she sleeps with her tongue out like this. I have no idea why she does it. |
Yes, that is Jynx resting her head on Tico's back. You can't explain that! |
I told the dogs this blanket was for people and not dogs and moved it to the people-only couch. And hour later, this is what I find. (Can you find the Toby?) |
We put the cushions up to keep them off the furniture. Obviously, it's super-effective. |
This is where we have family time... in the basement. Tim plays xbox while I study and the dogs do this. There is usually some snoring involved. |
Toby with a blanky. Isn't he cute? |
Speaking of things that are supposed to happen that haven't happened yet... Toby is still living with us. He has not yet made the move to Sapphire's house. I know what you're thinking, and it's not true... this is NOT due to my inability to emotionally let go of him. That hasn't even been tested yet. The issue is that Sapphire recently acquired another pet of the feline variety, and there are still adjustments that need to be made between the new pet and the current canine population in her new abode. So we'll wait for things to settle down before we sent sweet Toby into the fray. In the meantime, he continues to give ALL the licks.
This week my sanity will truly be tested as I have 3 days of clinicals and 2 days of class, with a test in each class. Please say a prayer for me. As I told my mom, this is kind of the "hump" of my semester (I hope)...if I can get through this week, the rest of it shouldn't be this bad. God reminded me in my quiet time today that in my weakness is when I am closest to Him. (Can I get an amen?) Already He is answering prayers, because I was supposed to work tonight, and I got put on call. I really couldn't be more grateful, especially since it's a full moon, and I was unsuccessful in my napping endeavors this afternoon.
How are you doing? Are you losing your mind, too, or is it just me?
You have to let me see Toby one more time before he leaves! I wouldn't want him thinking his friend didn't love him anymore. :) Also,still pretty bummed you couldn't make it on the cake testing trip today. It was delicious!
ReplyDeleteOh, an I've already lost my mind. So come join the club. :)
DeleteOh, an I've already lost my mind. So come join the club. :)