Sunday, September 27, 2015

Checking In

Yes, I remember that a couple of weeks ago I mentioned I would maybe have a post about progress on the basement for you, and I realized that did not happen.  But here is what I would like to say about that:

  • My exact words were "I may or may not have a basement update for you."  Obviously, we landed on "may not."
  • The lack up an update post is not due to a lack of progress.  Ok, so things have been a little slow down there in the past couple of weeks, but we certainly have made progress since the last update you received
  • After some aggressive drilling, the tendons in Tim's wrist have needed a bit of recovery time before progress continues. 
In case you're interested, here's what is happening around here.

As usual, the dogs continue to be dogburts.

I love it when she sleeps with her tongue out like this.  I have no idea why she does it.

Yes, that is Jynx resting her head on Tico's back.  You can't explain that!

I told the dogs this blanket was for people and not dogs and moved it to the people-only couch.  And hour later, this is what I find. (Can you find the Toby?)

We put the cushions up to keep them off the furniture. Obviously, it's super-effective.

This is where we have family time... in the basement.  Tim plays xbox while I study and the dogs do this. There is usually some snoring involved.

Toby with a blanky. Isn't he cute?
Speaking of things that are supposed to happen that haven't happened yet... Toby is still living with us.  He has not yet made the move to Sapphire's house.  I know what you're thinking, and it's not true... this is NOT due to my inability to emotionally let go of him.  That hasn't even been tested yet.  The issue is that Sapphire recently acquired another pet of the feline variety, and there are still adjustments that need to be made between the new pet and the current canine population in her new abode.  So we'll wait for things to settle down before we sent sweet Toby into the fray.  In the meantime, he continues to give ALL the licks.

This week my sanity will truly be tested as I have 3 days of clinicals and 2 days of class, with a test in each class.  Please say a prayer for me.  As I told my mom, this is kind of the "hump" of my semester (I hope)...if I can get through this week, the rest of it shouldn't be this bad.  God reminded me in my quiet time today that in my weakness is when I am closest to Him. (Can I get an amen?)  Already He is answering prayers, because I was supposed to work tonight, and I got put on call.  I really couldn't be more grateful, especially since it's a full moon, and I was unsuccessful in my napping endeavors this afternoon.

How are you doing? Are you losing your mind, too, or is it just me?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Pregnancy FAQ's

This will probably be one of the more boring posts that I write, but when you tell people you're pregnant, they have a lot of questions.  I've tried to answer/evade most questions as they come up in face-to-face conversation, but sadly I don't have the luxury of face-to-face conversations with many of you other than maybe once a year.  So if you're wanting to know the answers to these questions, here they are.  If you really don't care, tune in next week, where I may or may not have a basement update for you (yeah...remember that project?  It's still happening, and probably will be for the next 15 years).

14 weeks, obviously not really showing.  Let's consider this "baseline."

Q: So how far along are you? When are you due?
A: I am currently 23 weeks along... I think. Yes.  Yes I am.  I just checked my email from Baby Center for this week, and it tells me I'm 23 weeks along.  As for due dates, they really are a range of 4 weeks anyway, so we'll go with late December to early January. Or mid January.  Who knows.  If I get the baby I deserve, it will take it's sweet old time coming out.

Q: Can you feel the baby moving yet? Can Tim?
A: Yes.  Yes I can.  A lot.  It's already preparing to be on Dancing with the Stars.  And yes, Tim has felt it.

Q: How are you feeling?
A: For the most part, my honest answer would be "pretty much the same as I did the last time you saw me and you didn't know I was pregnant."  For the most part, I've really not felt a lot of pregnancy symptoms.  I haven't thrown up once.  I don't have aversions to smells, other than the smells most people have aversions too like vomit and diarrhea. In fact, it was very hard to believe that I was pregnant, because I really didn't feel pregnant at all.  I'm starting to feel more pregnant now, though: hot (temperature, not sex appeal) and fat, with a hint of abdominal discomfort. Sometimes a lot of abdominal discomfort.  Oh yeah... and I can feel a person moving inside of me...

Q: When do you find out if you're having a boy or girl?
A: In late December or early January.

Q: Did you plan it/ you planned it, right? Were you trying/ you were trying, right? Was it a surprise?
A: This is definitely a question that falls under the should not be asked category.  Pro tip: if you don't know where are couple was with family planning before their pregnancy announcement, it is none of your business and they don't wish to discuss it with you, so don't ask.  Also, please don't worry that you have offended me if you asked this question...I am not offended.  Just don't ask again.

Q: Are you going to take weekly belly pictures?
A: No.  My list of "things I can't keep up with right now" is already long enough, and arguably it contains more important things.  Like trimming my nails and spending time with friends.  Not that I judge anyone else for their weekly belly pictures.

Q: What do the dogs think?
A: I don't think they know I'm pregnant, even though we talk to them about "when the baby comes."  They just look at me like "Baby? What do you mean baby?  We are you babies."  Toby is going to live with Sapphire soon, so we will only have two dogs when baby arrives.  I think that they will love the baby, my concern is actually that they will be overly protective of the baby.  Anyone with knowledge about how to make this transition, please share!

Q: So...what about nursing school?
A: I finish my LPN December 11, so that leaves a good buffer, even if Baby Taylor does come earlier than expected.  The RN program doesn't start until June, and by then the baby will we walking, talking, and able to feed and take care of itself, right? I won't even need childcare.  I jest.  At this time the plan is to start the RN program, but we will see how things go and how God leads.

Q: Have you started decorating the nursery yet?
A: No.

Q: Have you made a baby registry yet?
A: No.

Q: Have you started picking out names yet?
A: No.

I think that's the bulk of the questions I get asked.  What questions did you get asked when you announced you were pregnant?