We all know them... the grandparents that are forever showing you pictures of their grandkids and telling you about them. I love those people. And (of course) we all know about parents and their kids. Those stories make me laugh. Then there are those dog ladies. Yeah... I know. I'm one of them. I try not to be, really I do. Don't worry...I'm not about to show you a bunch of dog pictures.
Why would I do that when I have a husband? Oh yes. We're about to talk about Big Time Timmy Jim. Let's just say... he doesn't mess around.
The weather around here has finally warmed up (at least for now) and I am just itching to get into my garden. I haven't really started any seeds or anything though, because I was starting to feel hopeless that spring would ever really come. To hold me (and all of us) over until we get to experience the thrill of those seeds sprouting (seriously...such a rush) I'll take you on the garden tour in Honduras. This tour was on a Sunday afternoon. I didn't know the Spanish word for garden, so I had to try a few kids before one (Lisbeth) understood what I was asking and excitedly began the tour.