Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stephen, First of the Martyrs

This morning Pastor Bob preached an excellent sermon (as usual) and it was very convicting to me.  He has been doing a series on Acts, and this week he was in Acts 7, which is Stephen's Speech to the Sanhedrin and The Stoning of Stephen.  While I have read this passage before, I somehow have missed some pretty big things.  Part of the reason this sermon was so convicting is that is it about me.  Using context clues, it is pretty easy to see that Stephanie is the feminine form of Stephen, so it was about my namesake... or am I his namesake?  I'm not sure how that works, but in any case, it was challenging to me to think about whether or not I live up to my name.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Never Apologize...

I know that this is not a very Christian idea, but as someone who is trying to be a godly woman, it is a new concept I am trying to live by.


In my effort to not stress out about things and overwhelm myself this past Christmas season, some things didn't get done on time... this newsletter is one of them :)